culture: n.1.教养;修养;磨炼。2.文化,(精神)文明。3.人工培养,养殖;培养菌,培养组织。4.耕作;栽培;造林。短语和例子a man of culture 有教养的人,文化人。 culture of mind and body 身心修养。 intellectual [moral, physical] culture 智[德、体]育。 culture of cotton 棉花栽
performance: n.1.执行,实行,履行;完成;实现;偿还。2.行为,动作,行动;工作。3.性能;特性。4.功绩;成绩。5.演奏;弹奏;演出;(驯兽等的)表演;把戏。6.【物理学】演绩。短语和例子a performance test 【机械工程】性能试验。 high performance 高度准确,性能优良。 an afternoon performance 午后的演出,日戏。 two
Example Sentences:
Disciplinary system : streamlined procedures for the swift removal of under - performers will continue to be monitored in line with efforts to reinforce a performance - based culture conducive to improving efficiency and productivity in the civil service 纪律处分制度政府会继续密切监察加快辞退表现欠佳员工的精简程序,并致力巩固以表现为本的服务精神,以提升公务员的工作效率和成效。